Do You Know the Top Business Credit Bureaus

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So many business owner fail to answer this question properly, “Do You Know the Top Business Credit Bureaus?”. Most do not know the top bureaus, and many confuse them with personal credit bureaus. This is a mistake.

The top business bureaus maintain business credit data on your business. They hold this data without your permission. If your profile is empty, it may be causing financing denials or less favorable financing terms. Could be a lower credit limit with suppliers or a business credit card denial.

Small business owners need to take seriously their business credit profiles. Scoring is collected during the decision-making process by lenders, suppliers, retail, and credit card providers. 

Knowing Before You Apply

What is better? To know your true personal and business credit scores prior to applying for business financing, or not knowing? We’ve seen it hundreds of times. A business owner says that their personal credit is 750 and business scoring is good. Then, reality appears. A lender denials a request or offers a less favorable financing option. The business is stunned. It is revealed that their personal credit was 660 and business credit almost non-existent. 

This puts the business owner behind. They either get a complete denial and cannot fund their business plans, or receive more expensive financing. Both of these results could have been avoided. BB Bookwork’s Inc offers a dynamic program called BizWorks Builder. This program helps a business owner prepare for financing.  

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